Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Vietnam raises $37 mln via govt bond, yield 7.4 pct

Vietnam raised 600 billion dong ($37 million) in an auction of 5-year bonds on Monday, the Hanoi stock market said.

The exchange said bids were between 7.35 percent and 8 percent and the bonds were sold at an annual coupon of 7.4 percent. The bonds will be issued on July 11 and mature on July 11, 2012.

On June 25, the Hanoi market sold 500 billion dong worth of 5-year government bonds at an annual coupon of 7.25 percent.

In March, Moody's upgraded the outlook for both Vietnam's foreign currency bonds and local currency bonds to positive from stable. It has a Ba3 rating on the country's dong debt.

Source: Reuters

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